Thursday, April 14, 2011

Fertile Soil Yields Best Results For Fibromyalgia

Several years ago, my family and I moved into a beautiful 80-year-old house with a large, but barren, backyard.

Like a good, urban yuppie gardener, I went to Home Depot and purchased the essential tools of the trade - shiny new shovels, rakes, hoes, rubber gardening shoes, and heavy leather gloves.

Wanting to make my backyard a garden paradise, I enlisted the help of Master Gardner William Keith. The following Saturday, William showed up with a truckload of dirt. "Healthy soil yields a healthy garden," he said. Over the next several days, he unloaded and redistributed rich, dark dirt throughout my backyard. Day after day I'd come home ready to plant some roses, jasmine, or maybe a maple tree, and I'd find William in the backyard spreading more dirt. Finally, after a week of daily dirt deliveries, William declared the yard ready for planting.

And plant we did - roses, Carolina jasmine, Confederate jasmine, wisteria, Japanese maples, peach trees, plum trees, Oakleaf hydrangeas, cone flowers, lilies, salvia, rosemary, sage, thyme, and all sorts of perennials.

The result of taking the time to use nutrient-rich soil was easy to see. Simply plant something - anything - and it grew like crazy.

Like a healthy garden, our body is dependant on having the essential nutrients it needs for optimal health. Unfortunately, the typical Western diet falls short of providing the essential nutrients our bodies need to be healthy.

A U.S. Food and Drug Administration study which analyzed over 234 foods over two years found the average American diet to have less than 80 percent of the RDA of one or more of the following: calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, and manganese. Other studies have demonstrated magnesium deficiency in well over 50 percent of the population.

The only way to be sure you're nutritionally sound is to supplement your diet with the essential nutrients your body needs for optimal health.

Traditional medical doctors often scoff at the notion of taking vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to improve your health, but does anyone suffer from a drug deficiency? Well, of course not. And yet, those with fibromyalgia often end up on a medical merry-go-round, seeing one doctor after another - taking an endless concoction of life-draining, potentially dangerous drugs: drugs to put you to sleep, drugs to wake you up, pain pills, mood-altering drugs (for the side effects of the sleep drugs), sedatives, and muscle relaxants. It just never ends. Drug therapy can be useful; however, merely covering symptoms with drugs often leads to further problems.

Nutrients - not drugs - are what make the hormones that regulate your body. Every essential chemical in your body, including thyroid hormones, testosterone, estrogen, neurotransmitters (serotonin, norepinephrine, etc.), antibodies, adrenaline, cortisol, and white blood cells, are made from vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, and amino acids.

I've researched and implemented numerous therapies over the years - keeping what works, discarding what doesn't. For the last nine years, I've been using a specially developed nutritional protocol known as the Fibromyalgia Jumpstart Program.

The Fibromyalgia Jump Start Program provides the essential nutrients needed for beating fibromyalgia. It includes these four core products:

1.FMS Support Pack contains a high-dose multivitamin/mineral formula with extra magnesium (680 mg per two packs), free-form amino acid blend, fish oil - needed to form the brain chemicals serotonin and norepinephrine, and malic acid.

2.Adrenal Cortex reverses adrenal fatigue while building stamina and resistance to stress. This is a crucial step toward avoiding fibromyalgia "flares." If you don't repair your sluggish adrenal glands, you'll crash every time you attempt to overdo it.

3.Digestive Enzymes make sure you're breaking down and absorbing the nutrients in your foods and supplements. I recommend all my chronically ill patients take digestive enzymes.

4.5HTP is responsible for making serotonin, a major stress-coping chemical that reduces pain, anxiety, IBS, fibro fog, and depression. It also helps promote deep restorative sleep (boosting melatonin by 200%, the most important step in beating fibromyalgia.

By providing the essential nutrients your body needs for optimal health, you lay the foundation for getting healthy. It's not unusual for numerous chronic symptoms to disappear within a few weeks of taking the Jump Start Package. You won't be totally well; this will take time and perhaps additional nutrients, but taking time to get your body's inner soil healthy will always yield positive results.

You can read more about my Fibromyalgia Jump Start Pack at the link below:

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