Essential Fatty Acids
(EFAs) for Fibromyalgia and CFS
Essential fatty acids are, as their name implies, essential
for our existence.
Essential fatty acids cannot be manufactured by the body and
must be obtained from food.They make up the outer membranes of each cell. These
membranes determine which nutrients get into and out of the cells. The
membranes of healthy cells can resist entry by viruses and other pathogenic
agents and, at the same time, facilitate the entry of nutrients-the “happy
hormones” serotonin.
When EFAs are deficient, cell membranes are weakened in
their abilities, and the wrong substances are allowed into the cell. A
deficiency in EFAs can cause some of the very symptoms associated with
fibromyalgia and CFS: fatigue, anxiety, depression, GI disorders, muscle pain,
insomnia, poor mental function, and lowered immunity. It’s estimated that at
least 40% of the population suffers from some amount of EFA deficiency.
There are several interesting interrelationships between EFA
metabolism and viral infections (commonly chronic in those with CFS). EFA’s have direct antiviral effects and
are lethal at surprising low concentrations to many viruses. The antiviral
activity of human mother’s milk seems to be largely attributable to its EFA
Interferon is dependant on EFA’s and in their absence will
be compromised.
Viral infections lower the blood levels EFA’s. This has been confirmed in the case of
the Epstein Barr Virus (EBV). Of
particular interest was the observation that at 8 and 12 months, those who have
recovered from EBV showed normal or near normal EFA blood levels. In contrast, those who were still
clinically ill from Epstein-Barr show persistently low EFA levels.
In a Scottish trial, patients with chronic fatigue syndrome
were given EFA supplements with great success. Placebo controlled trials were held for 70 patients with
persistent CFS giving them linolenic acid (flax seed oil) and eicosapentaenoic
acid (fish oil). After 6 months,
84% of the patients in the group receiving EFA supplements, and only 22% of
those in the placebo group rated themselves as better or much better.
In another successful study, 63 adults with CFS were
enrolled in a double blind placebo controlled study with essential fatty acid
therapy. The patient’s were ill
for an average of 1-3 years after a viral infection. They all suffered from
severe fatigue, myalgia (muscle pain), and a variety of psychological
symptoms. After one month, 74% of
the patients taking EFA supplements, and 23% of those on placebo, assessed
themselves as improved.
A deficiency of Omega-3 fat is one of the main causes of anxiety,
depression and other mental disorders.
Omega-3 fats work to keep us mentally and emotionally strong in three
1) Omega-3 fats act as precursors for the body’s production
of pre-prostaglandins and neurotransmitters (specific hormones).
2) Omega-3 fats provide the substrate for B vitamins and
coenzymes to produce compounds that regulate many vital functions, including
Omega-3 fats provide energy and nourishment to our nerve and
brain cells.
Eat to reduce inflammation.
The pro-inflammatory hormone PG-2 is made from arachidonic acid
AA increases bodily inflammation. Since AA is found in corn, and
corn products are used as the prominent foodstuff for westernized livestock,
red meat, cheese, eggs, and pork products have a high AA content in the United
Several research articles
have demonstrated that the more animal fats a human eats, the more AA is in his
blood and cell membranes and the more likely he is to have inflammation. So
reduce your intake of grains and corn-fed livestock.
If your inflammation is
severe, reduce or avoid red meat and dairy as well. Cook with olive oil or
canola oil. (Avoid instant coffee, as well. It contains substances that block
the receptor sites for endorphins.) Vegetables are fine and are
encouraged-avoid vegetable oils not vegetables.
The functional opposite of PG-2, PG-1 and PG-3 are
anti-inflammatory hormones. They help reduce and eliminate inflammation and
pain. You should increase your intake of these hormones. The best sources of
PG-1 and PG-3 are fish oil supplements or a diet high in deep cold-water fish.
I recommend taking 2,000 to 4,000mg of fish oil a day.
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