Friday, September 28, 2012

One of The Stupidest Things Ever -

Absurd New Study Claims Eating Egg Yolks Is “Nearly as Dangerous as Smoking Cigarettes”

Did you read the sensational media headlines reporting that eating egg yolks increased carotid plaque and thus increases the risk of heart attack and stroke?
The authors of the “study” (really a simple questionnaire) found that “carotid plaque area increased linearly with age after age 40, but increased exponentially with pack-years of smoking and with egg-yolk years.” This led them to form a hypothesis—that egg yolks may cause plaque in much the way cigarette smoking does—and that regular consumption of egg yolks should be avoided by persons at risk of cardiovascular disease.

This is how medical myths start to take hold. This is like other medical myths full of junk science, biased views and promoted by those with monetary interests. This “study” may do to eggs what statin drugs (Lipitor) did to cholesterol. Eggs aren’t dangerous, unless they are spoiled. Eggs are in fact a health food and cholesterol is in fact a potent antioxidant needed for maintain healthy cells.

In fact: low cholesterol is more dangerous than high cholesterol.

Don’t believe me? It is all documented in the leading scientific medical journals-you can read more on my past blog:

This study and the media love fest is nothing more than yellow journalism.

Read More Here ...
Don’t lump the tasty egg, the all purpose omelette, the Sunday morning quish, and the staple of many gourmet cooking sauces in with a known health robbing, cancer causing, inflammation generating, habit-smoking cigarettes.

This is as stupid as saying you shouldn’t eat any fat-remember the low fat, high carb diet days when we spent a decade gaining more weight than ever and drove our type II diabetes cases to record highs?

Medical misinformation creates medical myths. Please don’t be fooled by this “study” eat all the eggs you want.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Type II Diabetes Reaching Epidemic Status

Type II diabetes continues to climb in the United States.  

The number of Americans with diabetes continues to increase, according to CDC's most recent National Diabetes Fact Sheet. So does the number of Americans with pre-diabetes, a condition that increases their risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke. The National Diabetes Fact Sheet, provides data on how many Americans have diabetes, as well as information on age, racial and ethnic differences in diabetes, and on complications of the disease. Below are some highlights from the fact sheet.

Diabetes affects 8.3% of all Americans and 11.3% of adults age 20 and older.

Some 27% of people with diabetes – 7 million Americans – do not know they have the disease. In 2010, 1.9 million Americans were first diagnosed with diabetes.

Pre-diabetes affects 35% of adults age 20 and older, and half of Americans age 65 and older.

Pre-diabetes is a condition in which blood glucose (sugar) levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes.

The CDC estimates that as many as 1 in 3 U.S. adults could have diabetes by 2050 if current trends continue. Type 2 diabetes, in which the body gradually loses its ability to use and produce insulin, accounts for 90% to 95% of cases.

Risk factors for type 2 diabetes include older age, obesity, family history, having diabetes while pregnant, a sedentary lifestyle and race/ethnicity.
In The New England Journal of Medicine, Robert Steinbrook, M.D. stated:

“The diabetes epidemic in the United States continues unabated, with a staggering toll in acute and chronic complications, disability, and death.”

He continues…

“The primary culprits are poor glycemic control over the long term and other major risk factors, such as hypertension, cigarette smoking, obesity, and elevated levels of cholesterol or blood lipids.”

Children With Type 2 Diabetes Now Common

To make matters worse, type 2 diabetes is no longer a disease of older adults, but children and young adults as well.

In an article published in July, 2008 in an issue of the Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine, pediatric endocrinologist Joyce Lee, M.D. stated:

“Recent studies suggest that there have been dramatic increases in type 2 diabetes among individuals in their 20s and 30s, whereas it used to be that individuals developed type 2 diabetes in their late 50s or 60s…”

Children Under 20 years of age:

215,000, or 0.26% of all people in this age group have diabetes
About 1 in every 400 children and adolescents has diabetes

What is so different in today’s society that seems to be causing this disease to be on an increase?

People with type 2 diabetes suffer from multiple nutritional deficiencies.


Research has shown, those with type 2 diabetes often have low levels of the vitamin, biotin. This is a significant finding because biotin appears to be involved in the synthesis and release of insulin.

In other words, when there is a biotin deficiency, glucose (blood sugar) utilization is impaired. It appears that biotin helps improve blood sugar control.

Diabetic Support Formula
An article based on a study related to the pharmacological effects of biotin from The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry found that patients with type 2 diabetes had high blood glucose levels that corresponded to lower biotin levels, whereas, the non-diabetic control subjects had lower fasting blood glucose levels that corresponded to higher blood biotin levels.

In order to see if an association existed, the patients with type 2 diabetes where given a supplementation of 9,000 mcg/day of biotin for one month.

The results were significant.

After one month, their fasting blood glucose levels decreased by an average of 45%!

A study done in 2006, found that biotin also seems to have an effect on lowering triglyceride levels; in both the diabetes group as well as the control group.

“We conclude that pharmacological doses of biotin decrease hypertriglyceridemia. The triglyceride-lowering effect of biotin suggests that biotin could be used in the treatment of hypertriglyceridemia.”

Yet another study, involved patients who took biotin in combination with chromium (a vital trace mineral used in the body for carbohydrate metabolism and insulin regulation.)

The result showed improvement in blood sugar levels, decrease in LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and an increase in HDL cholesterol levels.

Studies like these prove the gross nutritional deficiencies that are so apparent in today’s society. Poor diet, living on an over abundance of carbohydrate processed foods, cereals, bagels, chips, sweets, sodas, is the bedrock of faulty metabolism and leads to type 2 diabetes.

I’ve found that the best way to eliminate type 2 diabetes is to lose weight and take the right nutritional supplements. My patients with type 2 diabetes are placed on my Jump Start Weight Loss Program and are usually able to eliminate all their diabetes meds within 2-4 weeks of starting my program. It is not unusual for my patients to lose 15-30 pounds in the first month of care. And with this program not only are patients able to discontinue most if not all of their meds for diabetes, cholesterol, and high blood pressure, they also keep the weight off that they’ve lost. I’ve got patients who’ve lost 40, 50, even 100 pounds and have kept the weight off one year later! 

This program has been a godsend for my diabetic and high blood pressure patients.

You can read more about the Jump Start Weight Loss Program Here, or by calling the clinic 205-879-2383.

Here’s an entertaining and very informative past article about diabetes and the potential dangers of the common drugs used to treat it-

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Stress Busting DHEA and Fibromyalgia

Adrenal fatigue is common among those battling fibromyalgia. 
The adrenal glands are located atop each kidney. These glands and the hormones they release allow us to be resilient to day-to-day stress. They allow us to build-up stamina to stressful situations-to rebound from daily stress or stressors.

Individuals with fibromyalgia will find that their adrenal glands have been stressed to the max. They will experience symptoms associated with adrenal fatigue including low energy, brain fog, poor immune function, anxiety, depression, poor sleep, and other stress depleting symptoms. In short they don’t handle stress very well. Because of this they will try to avoid stressful situations as much as possible. Those with severe cases will be become totally withdrawn from social situations, hibernating in their homes and avoiding stress at all costs.

Of course stress also increases their anxiety, makes their symptoms worse and causes them to have flare-ups.

Because they’ve lost their ability to handle stress if they have a day when they feel good and over do it (clean the house, paint the playroom, grocery shopping, etc.). Then they usually crash the next day. These flares are repeated over and over when a person suffers with adrenal fatigue.

Once adrenal exhaustion sets in, it’s not long before the body begins to break down. Getting “stressed out” and staying “stressed out” is the beginning of chronic illness for most, if not all, of the fibromyalgia patients I work with.

One way to repair adrenal fatigue and boost stress coping abilities is to supplement with the over the counter hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA).


The adrenal cortex, when healthy, produces adequate levels of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA).

DHEA boosts:

• Energy, both mental and physical
• Sex drive
• Resistance to stress, builds tolerance and stamina to stress and stressors
• Self-defense mechanisms (immune system)
• General well being
  And helps to raise:
• Cortisol levels-our major stress coping hormone
• Overall adrenal function
• Mood
• Cellular energy
• Mental acuity
• Muscle strength
• Over all stamina

DHEA is notoriously low in my fibromyalgia patients. Chronic stress initially causes the adrenals to release extra amounts of stress hormone cortisol. Continuous stress raises cortisol to abnormally high levels. Then the adrenal glands get to where they can’t keep up with the demand for more cortisol. As the cortisol levels continue to become depleted from on going stress the body attempts to counter this by releasing more DHEA. Eventually they can’t produce enough cortisol or DHEA. This is where most of my patients find themselves in-low DHEA levels from years of stress.

Aging makes holding on to DHEA even tougher. Even in healthy individuals, DHEA levels begin to drop after the age of 30. By age 70, they are at about 20% of their peak levels.

Stress and DHEA

DHEA helps prevent the destruction of tryptophan (5HTP), which increases the production of serotonin. This helps provide added protection from chronic stress. Serotonin is one of the most important stress coping chemicals. This happy hormone increases or moods, reduces pain (increases pain threshold), and is responsible for stimulating the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. If you’ve read my book, Treating and Beating Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, you know the importance of 5HTP and serotonin. And I spend quite a bit of time discussing the merits of DHEA for reversing anxiety and depression in my book, Treating and Beating Anxiety and Depression With OrthomolecularMedicine.

DHEA is one the most effective antianxiety therapies available and much safer than benzodiazepine drugs.

Studies continue to show low DHEA to be a biological indicator of stress, aging, and age-related diseases including neurosis, depression, peptic ulcer, IBS, and others.

DHEA and Immune Function

The decrease in DHEA levels correlates with the general decline of cell-mediated immunity and increased incidence of cancer. DHEA protects the thymus gland, a major player in immune function. DHEA is a potent immune booster. It is one of my go to supplements when treating patients with poor immune function including those with chronic fatigue syndrome and shingles.

Get Tested
DHEA Supplement I recommend to my patients

To know if you need to start taking over the counter DHEA, have your blood tested. The normal range is quite large and so most doctors will tell you if you have DHEA show up above 20 you are good. Don’t listen to this nonsense. Numerous studies and 17 years of clinical experience show that optimal levels of DHEA are needed for optimal health. For women optimal DHEA levels should be above 250 and for men closer to 350.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Overcoming Poor Sleep Is Key To Reversing Fibromyalgia

Chronic poor sleep is the beginning of fibromyalgia. Sure chronic pain and even fatigue get all the press, but poor sleep is the real nail in the coffin for fibromyalgia.

Poor sleep leads to more pain, inflammation, brain fog, depression, fatigue, headaches, IBS, RLS, weight gain, and other health robbing symptoms.

Melatonin is the primary hormone of the pineal gland and acts to regulate the body’s circadian rhythm, especially the sleep/wake cycle.  When administered in pharmacological doses (1-3mgs), melatonin acts as a powerful sleep-regulating agent that controls the circadian rhythm. 
The same area of the brain that releases melatonin also regulates the happy hormone serotonin. Serotonin helps to produce melatonin. If you are deficient in serotonin, you’ll also be deficient in melatonin (can’t sleep). If you’re low in serotonin, I recommend you start taking 300mg 5HTP before beginning melatonin therapy.

Melatonin is affected by a person’s exposure to light. Melatonin levels start to rise as the sun goes down and drop off as the sun comes up. The retina (eyes) are extremely sensitive to changes in light. An increase in light that strikes the retina triggers a decrease in melatonin production. Conversely, limited exposure to light increases melatonin production. This explains why some individuals suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder.

What Can Decrease Melatonin Levels? 

Essential Therapeutics Melatonin  P.R.
Chronic stress and depletion of stress coping chemicals including serotonin, 5-hydroxytryptophan (5HTP)• exposure to bright lights at night• exposure to electromagnetic fields• NSAIDs (Celebrex, Vioxx, Mobic, Alleve, Bextra,etc.)• SSRIs, yes the very same antidepressants that many take for FMS, including Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa, Paxil, and Lexapro.• anxiety meds (benzodiazepines) like Klonopin, Ativan, Xanax, Restoril, etc.• anti-hypertensive meds (beta-blockers, adrenergics, and calcium channel blockers) including, Inderal, Toprol, Tenormin, Lorpressor, etc.• steroids• over 3 mg. of vitamin B12 in a day.• caffeine• alcohol• tobacco• evening exercise (for up to three hours afterwards) • depression

Instead of addressing the cause, countless pharmaceuticals have been created to treat the symptoms of these conditions (many based on serotonin, the very hormone that is dependent upon producing your natural sleep hormone melatonin). Most patients are taking sleep drugs that don’t promote deep restorative sleep (benzodiazepines-Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin, Seroquel, etc.) and don’t ever feel rested.

Popular prescriptions for insomnia have recently made headlines due to “Risk of Death”. The following are only some that have been named:

  • Ambien
  • Restoril
  • Sonata 
  • Lunesta

A recent article on FOX stated,

“People who took more than 132 pills a year were not only five times more likely to die, but were also at greater risk of developing several types of cancer, and 35 percent more likely to be diagnosed with any type of cancer, overall”

In the UK, the following was said in an eye opening article;
   ”Experts have warned that sleeping pills prescribed in the UK could increase the risk of death more than four-fold.”
also finding that…

“The benefits of hypnotics, as critically reviewed by groups without financial interest, would not justify substantial risks.“ Sleeping Pills ‘Quadruple Risk Of Death’

The list of drugs used for treating anxiety is almost endless, however some of the more popular include:

  • Cymbalta
  • Ativan
  • Lexapro
  • Paxil
  • Valium
  • Xanax 

Dr. Peter Bongiorno, naturopath, wrote an interesting article in Psychology Today. He states,

“These anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications are among the most prescribed in the United States – and possibly the most dangerous. According to a report in the 2010 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, people who use anti-anxiety medication have a 36% increased mortality risk. That means persons using these drugs are almost 40% more likely to die than people who do not use them…”

Treat The Cause Not The Symptoms

Poor sleep can and must be corrected preferably with natural supplements which correct the cause, low serotonin and or melatonin. Sleep drugs potentially create more problems and often lead to other drugs. For an in-depth discussion on sleep, sleep meds, and natural remedies please see my book Treating and Beating Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

You May Have A Stupid Doctor If ...

You May Have A Stupid Doctor If-
He or she tells you fibromyalgia doesn’t exist.

You May Have A Stupid Doctor If-
He or she dismisses your fibromyalgia symptoms as nothing more than you being a hypochondriac-someone wanting attention.

You May Have A Stupid Doctor If-
He or she tells you that more exercise, sleep or losing weight is all you need to do to for your fibromyalgia symptoms-you know the doctor who says “you just need to improve your sex life, take a vacation, lose some weight, your just depressed, it is just PMS…”Give me a break, this doctor doesn’t have a clue!

You May Have A Stupid Doctor If-
He or she tells you that all your blood work looks normal so you must be a “drug seeker.” It may not occur to this stupid doctor that you never mentioned you wanted pain medication, that in fact you have repeatedly declined to take pain meds in the past. What you are really seeking is to have a doctor listen, understand and help you feel better.

You May Have A Stupid Doctor If-
He or she fails to order the proper tests, especially but not limited to thyroid tests. Simply following the herd and only ordering routine tests, including “the normal” thyroid tests, stimulating hormone (TSH) and a T4 (Thyroxine) is similar to trying to critique The Sound of Music after only watching the first 20 minutes of the movie/play. Your synopsis is-Julie Andrews was a quirky nun. Ok, what about the Captain, his children, the Nazi party, the wedding, and the escape? My point is stupid doctors are happy to stay stupid. They don’t care to practice the art of doctoring, being a detective, investigating anything outside the routine.

They’re happy to follow the herd, not make any waves and dispatch the drugs the pharmaceutical rep asks them to based on “this is how we’ve always done it.”

Sorry but it burns me up that patients go to their doctor with all the symptoms of low thyroid-fatigue, depression, anxiety, elevated cholesterol, brain fog, weight gain, cold hands, cold feet, swelling, tingling pains, constipation, hair loss-only to be told their blood work looks fine.

They totally miss the diagnosis because they don’t go the extra mile (“this is how we’ve always done it”). They are then only too happy to promote life draining drugs to cover up the hypothyroid symptoms-Ritalin for low energy, Lipitor for elevated cholesterol, Zoloft for depression, Lyrica for tingling pain…it just goes on and on.

The patient’s symptoms and poor health continue to grow year after year when all the stupid doctor needed to do was run the right tests, or think outside the box and recommend prescription or over the counter thyroid hormone therapy. Correct the cause, low thyroid and all the symptoms go away!

You May Have A Stupid Doctor If-
He or she dismisses the very real condition known as adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue occurs when your stress coping glands, the adrenals become to stressed to perform properly. Stress is definitely the catalyst for disease! They will tell you your symptoms associated with adrenal fatigue, low energy, brain fog, low immune function, depression, poor sleep, weight gain, etc. are from getting older or all in your head.

Why? Because doctors are evaluating blood work for disease not function. They don’t care that your adrenals aren’t functioning at optimal levels (to allow you to deal with and rebound from stress). They only care if you have TOTAL adrenal failure, Addison’s disease. Blood tests won’t show adrenal fatigue but a four-sample, 16-hour saliva test will.

Guess what else stupid doctors don’t believe in, saliva tests. This despite they’ve been proven valid and are recognized by insurance companies, accredited labs, Harvard Medical School, and other leading organizations.

You May Have A Stupid Doctor If-
He or she has you taking two different SSRI or SSNRI antidepressant medications. These drugs, including Savella, Cymbalta, Effexor, Celexa, Zoloft, Paxil, Pristiq, and Prozac are supposed to help your brain re-uptake the happy hormones serotonin and or norepinephrine. It makes no sense to be on more than one of these drugs at the same time-you only increase the risk of more side effects (including poor sleep, depression, anxiety, muscle pain, etc.).

If you stop to get gas why would you mix 89% with 91% unleaded fuel? You wouldn’t. If you need more fuel you simply increase the cars intake, you don’t mix them. Mixing these drugs is a sign of a lazy and stupid doctor!

You May Have A Stupid Doctor If-
He or she has you taking a stimulant drug or drugs and a relaxant or tranquilizing drug. Examples include-taking Ritalin, Adderall, Strattera, Intuniv, Vyvanse, Wellbutren, Effexor, Cymbalta, Savella, or Pristiq and a benzodiazepine drug for anxiety including Ativan, Xanax, Seroquel, Klonpin, Valium or Busbar. One drug is revving you up the other is making you a zombie.

Lazy or stupid doctors are happy to over medicate you. They don’t take time to study how to naturally reduce your anxiety, which after the fact, you can and should use natural amino acids (which make the happy, calming and or stimulating brain hormones, serotonin and norepinephrine)-no one has a drug deficiency!

You May Have A Stupid Doctor If-
He or she has you taking a potentially stimulating drug while you are complaining of insomnia. It used to surprise me to see doctors recommending their patients take a SSRI or SSNRI at bedtime. Why? Because these drugs can, not only re-uptake the calming hormone serotonin, they can also re-uptake the stimulating hormone adrenaline. Now I may not be “a real doctor,” I’m only a little chiropractor nutritionist, but I know enough about biochemistry and physiology and after 17 years experience of treating fibro I know you don’t do anything to potentially sabotage deep restorative sleep.

Timed-release stimulant drugs including some antidepressants and Ritalin are notorious for causing sleep disorders. AND you should know that these drugs deplete your natural sleep hormone melatonin.
Stupid, stupid, stupid.

But I’m sure the stupid doctor simply increased your sleep medication or added another potentially dangerous drug to knock you out at night.

Well I could go on and on about stupid doctors but I’ve got to finish up now so I can pack my clothes for my weekend seminar on Functional Medicine. I’ll be learning about more tests that stupid doctors don’t use or even know about. I’m happy not to follow the herd, and strive to be a smart doctor, even though I’m still learning how to work the new TV remote.